
Courtesy of Panorama Panthers Football Facebook page

This week is homecoming week for the Panorama Panthers. I was joined by Panorama head football coach Mike Kauzlarich on the Wahl McAtee Tire and Service Center Guthrie County PM Sports Page.

Coach Kauzlarich was asked about the challenges and managing distractions during homecoming week. “I think it’s just using our time, wisely. Obviously, we’re at the point of the season where we’re starting to cut down practice a little bit. Starting to stay fresh as the season goes on. So now is just using our time wisely and having our kids focus.”

Coach Kauzalrich would continue, “Just reminding them of the goal at hand. Everybody knows that homecoming is a lot more fun when you get a win. But everybody knows that the goal at the end of the day and these guys are really hungry. I’ve had numerous kids come up to me and talk. And looking at our log and a lot kids are signing in and watching film. That’s a great sign.”

The Panthers will take on Interstate 35 with kickoff at 7pm on Friday.