
A project that was once put on the shelf in Jefferson has been awarded and looking to start soon.

The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Board put out bids for a bathhouse renovation project for two single family restrooms at the swimming pool. Only ne bid came back that was higher than the engineer’s estimate, and so the bid was not accepted and City Administrator Mike Palmer tells Raccoon Valley Radio what the parks and rec board did after that.

“The park and rec board went back to look and maybe we can just do one family restroom. (That) did bring the price down quite a bit and it’s acceptable. Only one bid on it, but we felt it was a really good one.”  

That one bid was from Westbrooke Construction from Urbandale for $89,861, which the City Council approved at their meeting last week. JPRD Director Denny Hammen talked at that meeting about another part that their board felt comfortable including as an alternative. 

“We felt that we could also then probably replace that office casework , where the lifeguards spend their time. Those countertops are almost before my time, I think. So it was time for those to be replaced, the cabinetry under them for storage. With the way this bid came in, we thought we would be able to afford upgrading those as well.”  

The cost for that work by Westbrooke Construction will be $14,400. The project will be funded completely by the parks and rec allocation of the hotel/motel tax revenues. The renovations are expected to be done by next pool season.