
The Perry City Council will meet Monday night.

Under old business, the Council will consider approving a resolution for a site plan for Semper Fi Solutions to build a 14,000 square foot building in the industrial park, along with approving a plat of survey to split to parcels.

The Council will also consider approving a resolution setting this fall’s yard waste open burn dates, a local planning and administrative assistance contract with Region XII Council of Governments, authorizing the mayor and/or fire chief to sign and accept the 2021 fiscal year assistance to firefighters grant. They will also consider accepting the updates to the 2016 housing needs assessment and set a public hearing on a proposed zoning amendment from agriculture to light industrial. 

Finally, the Council will consider amending the ordinance on electric vehicles and amending the ordinance for all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles and adding off-road utility vehicles.

The meeting will take place in person and electronically at 6 p.m. in the Towncraft Building. There are virtual options to attend the meeting which can be found below.

Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone:

Or by phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 821 5664 1150

Passcode: 660641