
For those looking for more local and regional shopping opportunities, an annual event that’s happening today in Jefferson can certainly help.

The Red Barn Home and Craft Show is taking place today from 9am-5pm at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds. Organizers say over 40 vendors will be on hand from local retailers, to at-home businesses and companies outside of Greene County are represented. Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Events and Tourism Coordinator Matt Wetrich invites everyone to head to the fairgrounds today.

“They have so many folks come in to visit that and it’s always an annual success. They always have I don’t know how many hundreds or thousands people come through there, but it is very popular. So yeah out there at the fairgrounds, at Clover Hall, definitely make a point to check that out.”

There’s no admission charge to get into the Red Barn Home and Craft Show.