It’s Homecoming Week for Perry High School and there are several activities planned.
Student Council Advisor Brenda Mintun tells Raccoon Valley Radio this year’s theme is “We Got the Beat” with the dress up days corresponding to different songs. Monday is “True Colors” and “Monochromatic Monday” where students can wear different shades of the same color pattern. Tuesday is “I Need a Hero” and students can dress up as their favorite superhero. Wednesday people can wear workout outfits with “Let’s Get Physical.” Then on Thursday is “Big Green Tractor” by wearing country clothes. Friday is “My House” with class colors.
Mintun talks about Volunteer Day happening on Wednesday as high school students do various community services projects in the morning.
“We’re so proud of our Volunteer Day and Activities, it’s a jam packed day. (I) encourage everyone to come out and see what’s going on. So a lot going on with Volunteer Day.”
Mintun says the parade will be at 5:30pm on Wednesday, followed by the Junior Class Cookout in the high school parking lot and the coronation ceremony takes place in the gym, which Raccoon Valley Radio will be broadcasting the announcement of the king and queen live that evening. She points out another highlight is the week-long competitions between each of the high school classes, culminating on Friday.
“We’ll have Game Day in the gym and see who wins that spirit stick. They get points for door decorating, dressing up everyday, and then winning the games on Game Day. It’s always a lot of energy in that gym, a lot of fun (and) come check it out, but a lot of pride in who wins that spirit stick and gets to run it around at halftime of the game.”
Friday’s football game is against Des Moines Hoover at 7pm. Homecoming Week ends with a dance at the high school commons from 8-11pm on Saturday with a $5 admission charge.