The Adel City Council will meet tomorrow night.
Under old business, the Council will consider for approval an appointment to fill a vacancy on the planning and zoning commission. They will also consider approving the first reading to amend an ordinance to repeal and replace the planned unit development for property located at the intersection of Highway 169 and 302nd Place. Additionally, the Council will consider for approval subdivision maintenance bonds and regulations and to develop Statewide Urban Design and Specifications supplemental specifications, a resolution to accept public improvements for Eagle Vista Plat #2, an engineering services agreement with McClure Engineering for the Southwest Basin Sanitary Sewer Study, an ash tree removal proposal and a new plow truck purchase.
Finally, the Council will consider for approval the city’s boards and commissions, including a review of ordinances, meeting requirements, attendance of members, appointment process, training and interaction with Council.
The Adel City Council will meet at 6 p.m. tomorrow night in Adel City Hall.