
The City of Perry recently took over management of the Perry Municipal Airport and since then things have continued to run smoothly. 

City Administrator Sven Peterson says management was previously contracted out to a private operator and now the City has been managing the airport along with taking care of the fuel sales. Peterson talks about hiring a new manager. 

“We are excited. We are in the hiring process of a new airport manager that would be a staff person of the city, so kind of a new model for us but just kind of learning, working through things and setting out for a little bit of a fresh start with the airport with a new manager.”

Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio with the City managing the fuel sales at the airport, it has been a benefit. 

“Now, we are purchasing all of the fuel and selling all of the fuel so we’re able to make a little bit better margin on that fuel that will all go back and help support the operations of the airport.  Ultimately, with the goal of having the airport be self-sustaining and not require any other funding from the general fund to operate.”

Additionally, another large project is the extension of one of the runways.