The November general election might be a few months away, but eligible voters can start to mail in their requests for an absentee ballot now.
According to the Greene County Auditor’s Office requests can be mailed to their office starting today. However, absentee ballots will not be mailed out until October 19th, which is also the first day for in person voting at the Greene County Courthouse.
Deputy Auditor Billie Hoskins says anyone who is an eligible voter can still register with their office and must do so if they haven’t already before they can receive an absentee ballot for the November election. She adds if someone has moved into Greene County since the primary election, they will need to re-register to vote as their voter registration does not follow them from the previous county they lived in.
You can click the link below or go to the county auditor’s office at the courthouse in Jefferson for a voter registration form.
Voter registration: https://www.co.greene.ia.us/pview.aspx?id=15486&catid=659