With the Guthrie County Fair approaching, the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library will take the opportunity during the fair to raise money for a new addition.
Library Director Jeri Hawkins wants people to know they will have a table set up at the Guthrie County Fair to raise money for an electric messaging sign for the library. Hawkins tells Raccoon Valley Radio how important this electric sign would be for the community.
“ With us being right here on Highway 25. I just feel like it’s an ideal spot to help pull that interest in and help people know what’s going on in the community. And I really feel like LED signs do that. So I’m hoping it’s an attention grabber and hoping it’ll just show people what we have here to offer. Not everybody is on social media, so not everybody sees social media posts. Not everyone gets the newspaper anymore.
Hawkins says there is to raise $30,000 for the new electric messaging sign that would be placed on the east side of Highway 25. The Library booth will be in the events center at the Guthrie County Fair which runs from Thursday through September 5th.