The Greene County Supervisors are moving forward with an election for a new county jail.
At their most recent meeting this past Monday, the Supervisors approved a resolution to call for a special election on November 8th to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $12,685,000 for a new county jail. The Supervisors discussed one change to the original estimate which was to include a metal roof instead of a conventional roof for a longer life expectancy and lower maintenance.
Northland Securities is the underwriter for the project and Director Heidi Kohl talks about how firm the cost estimate not to exceed $12,685,000 amount is in terms of going before a public vote.
“That number is high as of today. That’s why it has contingencies in it because it’ll take time to go out to the voters and then the project will be fully out for bid. The confidence is in is that (the) contingency is high enough for unknowns.”
Kohl says the project could come in below that figure, but that amount the public will be voting on includes everything, such as construction, needed equipment, utilities, materials, and all other aspects to take the facility from bare ground to a finished and fully operational product.