
A new state law will allow students to change school districts at any time during the school year.

The open enrollment deadlines of September 1st and March 1st, are now eliminated which was set into law in this year’s legislative session, which became law on July 1st. West Central Valley Superintendent Rusty Shockley explains it’s hard to predict right now what’s going to happen with this new law. 

“We’ve had a few more that have open enrolled out . But as with the last (School Board Meeting) agenda, everyone that we had was open enrolling in. So it’s kind of a wait and see thing how it’s going to affect you as a district.

Shockley adds that the state funding will travel with the student and he explains how that will work. 

“So basically if a student attends a third of the year in one district, that district will receive that money and the other two thirds would go to the district that their in the rest of the time” 

Shockley says they had five new open enroll in at their latest school board meeting in August. However this law will not affect the 90-day student ineligibility for extracurricular activities that will remain the same.