
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The meeting started with a public hearing to enter a sewer revenue loan and disbursement agreement to issue $15 million for the wastewater treatment improvement project. During the hearing, City Administrator Mike Palmer mentioned that due to increased material costs, the overall estimate went up to $16.6 million, but that the Council could move forward with issuing $15 million and could add on if needed. The Council then approved a resolution for the sewer revenue loan and disbursement agreement following the hearing.

The Council also approved the first reading to amend an ordinance to increase the water rates to five percent instead of the budgeted three percent, due to increased costs of materials and needing funds to eventually pay for an upgrade to the water plant. The increase will go into effect for the December billing, if the next two required readings are approved. 

Next, the Council approved a $12,500 facade rehabilitation grant application for RVP~1875 to replace brick on the building, a development agreement for a former middle school housing project as the administer of the grant funds of $600,000 that the Council approved at a previous meeting, appointing Colin Shriver to the volunteer fire department, the first reading of a revised sewer rate ordinance with the correct start date of July 1, 2023, and a quarterly funding request from Greene County Development Corporation was also approved.