
Tomorrow begins the 2022-23 school year with the Greene County School District. 

Last Thursday, the entire staff gathered at the high school auditorium as a way to get pumped up for the school year and the return to normalcy following the pandemic. Superintendent Brett Abbotts is ready to get the year underway.

“I am just looking forward to getting kids back in the classroom, getting going with our staff and just welcome them back into the classrooms, back to the schools, and just kicking the year off right. We’ve got home football games, home volleyball games, cross country meets, all those things coming up, just watching our kids compete in and out of the classroom is something I’m really excited to do. Start getting into classrooms with principals and start making some impact.”   

Abbotts has this message for all families and kids in the school district.

“Trust our schools that we know what’s best for kids. That we’re all working towards the same goal and that is that we all want what’s best for each other. I’m going to be continuing my mantra that I’ve carried with me my whole time in education is that relationships matter, and that’s relationships with kids, relationships with staff, parents, and anybody within and around our school. And that’s something that we’re going to really get after this year is making sure that there’s a lot of positive connections and positive relationships going back and forth and within our schools.”   


Greene County Middle and High School begins at 8:15am and the elementary starts at 8:20am.