With the new school year to start soon, it’s a good time to review some safety reminders for motorists.
Jefferson Police Chief Mark Clouse advises motorists to be aware of buses taking kids to and from school buildings. He says it’s illegal for motorists to pass a stopped bus with its stop arms extended and red lights flashing.
“Our school bus drivers are very diligent with that (and) getting those reports to us and we investigate that. It’s a pretty stiff fine and it should be because it’s for safety of the children. Obviously we don’t want anyone to get hurt. So please be aware of that.”
Clouse also reminds families with children at the elementary school about how to get to the drop-off and pick-up area. He says motorists can only enter the horseshoe area from Cedar Street and not Russell Street. Clouse describes a couple of good habits to remember when waiting along Cedar Street to pick-up or drop-off kids.
“People want to pull right up to the stop sign and wait their turn. Well now if somebody’s coming down the street and they’re coming around all the cars picking up kids, they have nowhere to go because you’re sitting at the stop sign. There’s a yellow curb there and a sign that says, ‘No parking here’ please try to stay behind that. And then also, be aware of folks’ driveways. Let’s just kind of split our vehicles as we’re sitting there waiting so that people can have access to leave or come into their driveway.”
Clouse points out the temporary stop signs will once again be placed at the intersection of Highway 4 and Ram Drive, near the middle school. He says officers will put those out before and after school to enhance traffic safety for students who need to cross the highway.