Friday, August 19th
12:58am: A deputy conducted a writ of removal in the 1100 block of Lincoln Street, Scranton.
6:20pm: A deputy investigated a suspicious person on Neola Avenue and 330th Street.
7:20pm: A deputy investigated a no contact order violation in the 1900 block of 140th Street.
7:42pm: A deputy investigated a trespass complaint in the 1100 block of Lincoln Street, Scranton.
Saturday, August 20th
5:15pm: A deputy investigated a dog bite in the 100 block of South Main Street, Paton.
6:38pm: A deputy investigated a suspicious person on 220th Street near Orchard Avenue.
8:48pm: A deputy investigated an abandoned vehicle on 220th Street near T Avenue.
8:56pm: A deputy assisted with a medical call in the 1200 block of Westwood Drive, Jefferson.
Sunday, August 21st
2:14pm: A deputy assisted the Jefferson Police Department with a domestic in the 300 block of East Harrison Street, Jefferson.
3:12pm: A deputy assisted the Jefferson Police Department with a medical call in the 700 block of North Wilson Street.
4:33pm: A deputy conducted a welfare check in the 1200 block of Westwood Drive, Jefferson.
2:48pm: A deputy and Grand Junction Fire responded to an electrical fire in the 300 block of south 8th Street, Grand Junction. There was minor damage done to an outlet.
In all cases when a defendant has been charged, this is merely an accusation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.