
A project that was a year in the making is finished and is awaiting students to play on the new Adair-Casey Elementary  playground. 

Principal Chris Douglas says the old playground was over 40 years and it had multiple safety concerns and it was time to get an upgrade. Douglas says the new playground has new climbing equipment along with more slides and swing sets. He adds another feature with the surfacing which will make the playground a lot safer. 

“Of course, if a kid falls off one of those bridges or something like that, they shouldn’t, but if they did they’re probably going to have an injury but this (surfacing), I think it’s eight feet of fall proof so it’s incredibly safe and it’s also bigger.”

He also tells Raccoon Valley Radio that this playground is not only about having new equipment but also about creating a good culture. 

“I really want people to take pride in being a student here and being a staff member here and being a community member here. And so for me, when people feel good about things they perform better whether it’s a student in the classroom or a teacher teaching a class.”

Douglas explains students will get the first look at it for their Back To School Night on Monday and then students will get to play on the equipment the first day back to class.