Map of Greene County parcels under consideration for eminent domain use by Summit
Summit Carbon Solutions recently filed its first set of possible uses for eminent domain for an underground pipeline project, which includes parcels in Greene County.
The company filed a petition to the Iowa Utilities Board on January 28th to establish a hazardous liquid pipeline that would stretch 681 miles across Iowa to transport liquid carbon dioxide to an underground storage facility in North Dakota. According to documents by the IUB, they determined on June 17th that the public hearing on the project will be held at the Webster County Fairgrounds, as it was the most central location of the project.
Summit Carbon Solutions then on August 8th its first batch of potential parcels to be considered for eminent domain, which is the process where one entity seized property from landowners for market value. According to documents filed with the IUB, Summit named nine parcels in Greene County for a total of 10.56 acres of land that the company could possibly use eminent domain. The other counties named in a letter that Summit submitted to the IUB earlier this month also included Chickasaw, Plymouth, Pottawattamie counties for a total of 42 parcels.
That same letter, Summit said this was just the first batch of parcels; they are still actively discussing easements with other landowners and will likely file another batch later. The landowners named in Greene County include Elizabeth Tribble, the Gunion Family Trust, Mark Gunion and Lisa Gunion-Rinker, all of Marion, along with Robert and Mavis Busch of Grand Junction; Rowles Farms of Oxford, the Tronchetti Family Trust of Jefferson, the estate of Ronald and Patricia Lehman, and the Diocese of Sioux City, with the Greene County Soil and Water District as the easement holders.
This past April, the Greene County Board of Supervisors approved a letter to the IUB objecting the use of eminent domain for private use, which is what Summit is considering. The public hearing on the overall project has yet to be announced by IUB.
Elizabeth Ellen Tribble (of Marion); the Gunion Family Trust (of Marion); Mark Gunion (of Bremerton); Robert and Mavis Busch (of Grand Junction); Lisa Gunion-Rinker (of Marion) – 0.5 acres, 1.02 acres
Rowles Farms (of oxford); easement holders are midamerican energy and louis dreyfus – 0.69 acres
Tronchetti Family Trust (of Jefferson) – 0.59 acres, 1.81 acres, 1.27 acres,
The estate of Ronald Lehman and Patricia Lehman – 1.07 acres
Diocese of Sioux City and easement holder is Greene County SWCD – 1.77 acres, 1.84 acres,
- Docket number: HLP-2021-0001