
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

Under old business, the Board approved the high school construction program to build a new storage shed at the high school for an amount not to exceed $250,000. They also approved the second reading of a revised board policy with sending and receiving open enrolled students. The changes were needed to be in compliance with the new state law of eliminating open enrollment deadlines of September 1st and March 1st. The Board then approved the second reading of another revised board policy specifically naming what administrator positions were eligible for administration voluntary retirement benefits. 

Then under new business, the Board approved three school permits, including Elizabeth Long, Oliver Harris and Breanna Ades; three fundraising requests, the 2021-22 treasurer’s report, the 2022-23 elementary students and parents handbook, appointing Superintendent Brett Abbotts as the Level I Investigator for sexual harassment and physical abuse, and appointing Tracy Deal, Matt Wetrich and Jan Scharingson to the instructional materials committee. Additionally, the Board approved to pay the $2 increase in wages to paraeducators and building secretaries with the requirement of having to fulfill trainings throughout the school year, hiring an assistant cheerleader coach with Deb Wolterman and re-appointing Shannon Black as head coach, the first reading of a new board policy for employees using cell phones as recommended by the Iowa Association of School Boards, and a paying a renewal of $13,125 to continue to provide one-half day of tele-mental health services with Classroom Clinic.

Sid Jones (standing left) and Brenda Muir (standing middle) were sworn in as treasurer and secretary, respectfully

They also approved five legislative priorities for IASB to possibly present and lobby for next year’s state legislature. Those priorities include student standards and accountability, preschool funding, mental health, teacher recruitment and licensure and Supplemental State Aid.