There are more girls, but fewer boys, out for Greene County High School cross-country. Jeff Lamoureux is the lead coach and he talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about what they’re trying to increase the numbers. As of Aug. 12 there were seven boys and five girls out for the sport.
“We’re trying to encourage more kids to go out. We started a Youth program last spring and it was fairly successful. We had over 40 kids in first through sixth grade take part, and that culminated with a few of them running at the Bell Tower Festival.” The coach added by starting kids younger and at shorter distances, the hope is they will stick with it and build up to the five kilometers (3.1) distance high school girls and boys run in cross-country. Lamoureux said a lot of the sport is mental and he likes to be positive and tell kids they can run that distance, but it takes training and confidence building.