The Greene County Development Corporation Board met Tuesday via Zoom.
During reports, Jefferson Building Official Chad Stevens said the steel frame is back up for the animal shelter and that utilities have been installed. He then talked about the recently sold vacant lots with three different contractors set to build either duplexes or single family homes soon, along with a new home being built on West Lincoln Way with Ken and Sue Base.
Greene County Medical Center CEO Chad Butterfiled gave an update following the recent announcement that long term care will close in September. He said of the 34 residents that need to be relocated, 24 have determined a new location, eight have already moved out of the facility and the rest still need to make their choice of where they want to live.
Chuck Offenburger gave an update on the Neuva Vida en Greene County project. The steering committee is working to establish transportation with Region XII Council of Governments with one route going from Perry to Jefferson and another route from Denison to be done later. They are hoping this project will help attract more Latinos to work in Greene County. They are also going to bring 12-16 Latino business owners to Jefferson to tour available properties on August 30th.
Finally, GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton talked about 3D printing houses. He said he has been in discussions with Bob Hamilton for concrete material needed for these types of houses and also with Andy Rowland, owner of Rowland Construction, who wants to build these within Greene County.