
Mc Kinley Robbins

McKinley Robbins started wrestling when he was four years old. Several years ago he joined Sebolt Wrestling Academy, then located in Mason City, and relocated in the summer of 2020 to Jefferson.

The past State Champion and three-time state tournament finalist talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about how that time has gone by quickly as he’ll be in college, and hopefully in a Division I wrestling room one year from now. “It’s crazy! I’m ready to go to college, but at the same time, I don’t want to leave what I’m familiar with. But then again, I have to. I’m really excited for the future at whatever college I go to and I’m excited to see if even after college I keep wrestling on the international level. I don’t know, I’m really excited.”
Robbins has his sites set on mechanical engineering as a career goal. He plans on taking college recruiting trips this Fall.