
The Guthrie Center School Board at their latest meeting in July decided to increase their rate on the activity pass for the 2022-23 school year. 

Superintendent Josh Rasmussen says that they will change the student price for an activity pass from $25 to $50 and added a family activity pass for $250. Rusmussen tells Raccoon Valley Radio why the Board made this change. 

“I guess we kind of take a look at similar sized schools and schools around us and just kind of add into our activities, count and funding. We noticed that we were very low compared to other schools. So we did raise the rates.”

He adds that since the pandemic the school district has noticed a slight decrease in attendance to their activities. The individual adult pass will cost $100 and all activity passes can be purchased at the Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center High School or on a students portal.