The ongoing program that seeks to allow participants to speak to leaders in the community will continue this week.
Hometown Heritage at the Carnegie Library Museum will be hosting an event this week where participants will get the chance to speak with Dallas County Emergency Management Director A.J. Seely beginning at 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. tomorrow at the museum.
Perry Public Library Director Mary Murphy says these programs are for people who would like to learn more about what people in the community do, such as Seely.
“If you have a natural disaster, like a tornado or a flood, it is this person that will coordinate all the resources to get this fixed. You’ve seen the devastation that tornadoes do to communities, I saw it in Winterset and the emergency management director down there had to coordinate the 400 people who volunteered to help the next day.”
No registration is needed to attend the event and everyone is welcome to join in.