The city of Perry is enlisting services to have a study conducted to assess childcare options and how they can be improved in the community.
At a recent City Council meeting the Council approved an agreement with First Children’s Finance to provide consulting services for the Rural Child Care Market Study which City Administrator Sven Peterson says will examine the gaps in childcare in Perry and how to improve them.
“A big part of this study is that they’ll come up with a strategic plan, there will be a steering committee, they will have a strategic plan and then a way of executing that strategic plan with specific initiatives. So, it will be a very actionable study for us to be able to take and look at next steps of what that could look like to be able to expand childcare options within the city of Perry. ”
Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio he can often see on social media where people are asking about childcare options which highlights the importance of conducting a study.
“When people are coming to Perry, looking at jobs, they are probably first looking for housing but then also looking at the school system and other childcare options and what they might need. All of that works into that overall system that a community needs to be able to provide.”
The cost of the consulting services is $15,000 while the cost of the Rural Child Care Market Study includes cost-sharing costs up to $10,000 through the Iowa Center for Rural Revitalization.