"Icosahedron" by Kirk Seese, Lutherville, Maryland
Time is running out for an art contest in Jefferson.
The Ring Out for Art finalists have their sculptures on the south side of the Greene County Courthouse. Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Events and Tourism Coordinator Matt Wetrich says there’s still time to vote for your favorite sculpture.
“The winner gets cash as a prize. It’s just kind of a fun thing (and) another reason to come downtown and check out what’s going on. So two of the sculptures are from Iowa artists and two of them are from other states. So it’s kind of fun to see what kind of poll we’re getting on this now. Several years and the reputation is continuing to build.”
Voting is done inside the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower, which is open daily from 10am-4pm. Voting has been open since the Bell Tower Festival in June and the final day to cast your vote is August 15th.