The next Java and Juice event in Jefferson has been announced.
Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community invites everyone to Art on the Fly this Friday at 9:30am. Jefferson Matters Tourism and Events Coordinator Matt Wetrich is excited for this free event with Art on the Fly owner Joleen Peters.
“She had done some neat things in recent months with her facility and I’m hoping we get a lot of folks walking in her door to see what’s going on there. And she’s also going to be able to talk about what’s going on with Imagination Alley, which is the side of her building there that runs east-west connecting over towards Home State Bank. The Tower View Team really has some neat plans for there and Joleen has been a big part of that herself.”
Wetrich says the 30 minute program also includes community updates with events and activities, and free refreshments will also be provided. He adds if a business or organization wants to host a Java and Juice event to contact the Welcome Center at 515-386-2155.