
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

The Board approved a three year contract for $46,655 with NWEA for the Measures of Annual Progress (MAP) Assessment for kindergarten through 11th grade. Superintendent Brett Abbotts said the assessment gives specific data on students that need additional support in reading and math through MAP to become proficient. Funding for the new assessment is through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.

The Board also approved the second reading for a revised board policy for certified employee contract release that if an employee leaves before their contract is done, they are required to pay $1,000 to help advertise for a suitable replacement. Additionally, they approved the first reading of revised board policies about sending and receiving open enrolled students and eliminated the deadline dates of September 1st and March 1st, due to the changes in state law. The other revised board policy was defining what was an administrator in regards to the administrator voluntary retirement benefits, which includes the superintendent, principals, curriculum director, technology director and activities director.

The Board also approved an out of state travel request for Greene County FFA to attend this year’s national convention in October, four fundraiser requests, and four school driving permit requests. There were several items the Board approved for the 2022-23 school year, including the milk bid to Anderson & Erickson and the bread bid to Pan-O-Gold, the student book fees, along with the meal and activity ticket fees; the depository resolution, the handbooks for students and parents, employees, coaches and directors, and bus drivers; the annual 28E agreement and food services agreement with New Opportunities Head Start, the $9,000 contract with 21st Century Rehabilitation for sports medicine and appointing Brenda Muir as board secretary, Sid Jones as board treasurer and Mumma-Pedersen Law Firm as legal counsel.

Finally, the Board discussed the voter-approved Physical Plant and Equipment Levy. It was mentioned that the voter-approved PPEL will expire in the 2024 fiscal year and the measure must go back to the voters to reconsider before then.