The Jefferson City Council recently approved purchasing additional property.
The Council approved purchasing 205 and 207 East Perry Street for $5,000. Building Official Chad Stevens says the property was owned by George Crouch who now lives in the Veterans Affairs home in Marshalltown. City Administrator Mike Palmer says the home was deemed a nuisance and unlivable, plus the location is near the railroad tracks. He explains another reason for taking on the property.
“What we found out (is) if some of these dilapidated houses sit there too long, even though they’re deemed unlivable, we have people starting to squat in them. They become just a neighborhood nuisance. So the sooner that we can remove that nuisance the better.”
Stevens noted at the meeting that he doesn’t believe the property is big enough to re-establish a home.
The Council approved the purchase by a 4-1 vote, with council member Dave Sloan voting no. He said he wasn’t comfortable with the city taking ownership of the property if there is no end game with someone wanting to buy it and build a home or there being another use to get it back on the tax rolls.
Palmer points out the plans are to have the city tear down the home and possibly re-zone it from residential to light industrial. He says they are using funds from a $43,000 donation that was made specifically to take down dilapidated homes. The city also purchased 307 North Wilson Avenue in May to do the same thing by tearing down that home. Palmer believes they have enough funds from the donation and their own set-aside money from Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation the city automatically receives.