Junior high and high school football players in the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District, can register for upcoming camps.
The ADM Junior High Football Camp will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. July 20th and 21st at the high school game field and is for grades 7th and 8th. The cost is $30 and the deadline to register is Monday.
There is also an ADM High School Football Camp running August 1st-4th from 6:30-9 p.m. on the high school game and practice fields. The deadline to register for the camp is July 30th and the cost to register is $40.
The high school camp will be coached by the 2022 ADM coaching staff while the junior high will also include middle school coaching staff and high school players. Players will need to furnish their own t-shirt, socks, shorts and cleats for the junior high and the high school camp will have players wearing a helmet, mouth piece, practice jersey, black shoes, socks and cleats.
For more information or to get registered you can go here and here.