
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The Council approved the lowest of three bids from Morris Enterprises of $359,763 for a water main replacement project on Russell Street from Highway 4 to the wastewater treatment plant. They also rejected the lone bid from Woodruff Construction of $139,997, which was more than Bolton and Menk’s estimate of $87,000 to make improvements to the entryway of City Hall. 

Next, the Council approved the duplicate of benefits certification and the subrogation and assignment agreement for Pub Adventures and the Community Development Block Grant program through the Iowa Economic Development Authority. This means that if the city, which was the grant applicant, and the owner of 123 North Chestnut Street receives any other funds for the upper story apartment improvement project, they must notify IEDA. Additionally, the first pay estimate toward the project was also approved for administrative costs of $933. 

Additionally, the Council approved financial services with Piper Sandler and Company for the wastewater treatment project as presented, along with writing off $18,246 of bad debt from 2006-07 utilities.  They also approved transferring funds and closing fund accounts from the 2022 fiscal year as presented and the second reading to amend two ordinances for impoundment and microchipping of dogs, along with service fees for large structure fires that the city’s fire department responds to.

The Council voted 4-1 in favor of purchasing 205 and 207 East Perry Street from George Crouch for $5,000. The lone no vote was Council member Dave Sloan. He said he wasn’t comfortable with the city purchasing another property if there was no end game for the property and it was mentioned that it wasn’t fit to rebuild on. Finally, the Council approved a $23,989 matching facade rehabilitation grant for Breadeaux Pizza.