Don Van Gilder
The Greene County Historical Society is once again going to have a presence at this week’s Greene County Fair.
The historical building will be open and tours will be given of the facility and the early farming equipment displays from 10am-6pm Friday and Saturday. Historical Society Secretary Becki Cunningham of Paton will be giving presentations of the “Bristol No. 7” one room schoolhouse also from 10am-6pm Friday and Saturday of the fair. The schoolhouse was originally built in 1874 and restored by the historical society in 1967.

Finally, the seventh annual “historical chats” will be held Friday and Saturday at 11am and 1pm. Historical Society member Chuck Offenburger, as well as Greene County native and retired county employee Don Van Gilder will host the chats this year. The first one will take place Friday at 11am with “Growing Up at the Greene County Fair” with four generations of the Lawton family from Cooper talking about their family’s experiences at the fair. The final chat will be 1pm on Saturday is the “Greene County Movie Theater History” with Mike and Dianne Piepel of Jefferson. The other two presentations will be determined later.
Each historical chat will be recorded and aired later on the historical society’s YouTube channel. Each activity with the Greene County Historical Society is free and open to the public.