With the guidance coming out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration for vaccines for the youngest population, it’s important to get children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Dallas County Health Department Public Information Officer Ann Cochran says there is no data yet for how many people are coming in and getting their children 6 months to 5-years-old vaccinated but people have been calling.
“Here at the health department we did receive probably half a dozen phone calls from parents and grandparents wondering whether we were giving the vaccinations, which we are not. We are strongly urging people to take their children to their regular doctor and get their COVID vaccine there.”
Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio there is importance behind getting the youngest children vaccinated against COVID-19 because as the pandemic has gone on health officials have learned more about how it affects that younger age group.
“One thing we are realizing is that the initial thought that young children can’t catch COVID or won’t get very sick has turned out to be incorrect. Young children can and do get COVID and some are sick enough to actually have to be hospitalized.”
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines in Dallas County you can go here.