
With the Fourth of July officially here the Perry Fire Department reminds people there are some fire safety tips to keep in mind.

While there have been instances of heavy rain so far this year Fire Chief Chris Hinds says people should be aware of where they are lighting off fireworks. Hinds says no matter what fireworks are being used, there is some element of fire involved. 

“Stay in the gravel driveway, stay away from grassy areas or any timber areas, any place like that where any of the flammable vegetation can catch fire and take off and also be mindful of the buildings and the surroundings there.”

Hinds tells Raccoon Valley Radio it wouldn’t take much for a bottle rocket to land in a gutter full of dry leaves and catch the eve of a house, garage or barn on fire. 

“There are still some roofs out there that can be very flammable, not everybody has a steel roof. Those are all fire hazards or potential fire things that we need to be careful of and watch out for.”

Hinds says it’s important to be cautious with where people are using fireworks and to pay attention to what you are doing.