Monday, June 27th
11:22am: A Traffic Stop at Maple and Monroe Streets resulted in Tyler Day of Jefferson being cited for, “Operation without Registration.”
12:11pm: Demedrious Lyons reported he believed someone had entered his residence at 405 South Chestnut Street, without his permission. Nothing was missing from the property. The officer is investigating.
12:28pm: Ellen Morris reported she had backed into a utility pole in the parking lot at 403 West Head Street. The 2012 Chevrolet Traverse was owned by Morris and suffered a reported $1500.00 in damages. The pole was not damaged.
1:08pm: Jefferson Fire and Jefferson officers assisted the Sheriff’s Office with a Traffic Accident at 220th and Orchard Ave.
1:52pm: An officer removed debris from the roadway in the 1500 Block of 235th Street.
2:20pm: An officer assisted the GC Ambulance with a Medical Call in the 500 Block of South Olive Street.
4:48pm: Jamie Blackmon spoke with an officer concerning a Civil Issue occurring at 206 South Oak Street.
7:20pm: Aaron Schroeder spoke with an officer in connection to a Civil Issue occurring at 504 Hickory Lane.
8:52pm: An officer assisted the sheriff’s Office with a one vehicle accident near M Ave. and 245th Street.
9:05pm: A caller reported Fireworks being set off near the 300 Block of South Pinet Street. The officer did not locate the source of the fireworks.
11:07pm: An office located subjects at Daubendiek Park and advised them the park was closed. The subjects left the area.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.