
The last couple days have been a little rough on the West Central Valley softball and baseball teams. Wednesday saw the teams travel to Truro to take on the Interstate 35 Roadrunners in doubleheader action. The baseball team fought hard in the first game, but ultimately fell short, losing 1-9. In the second game they were able to keep up better, and gave the Roadrunners a run for their money before losing 10-11.

The Wildcats softball team had similar results, dropping the first game 3-11, and then only losing by one run in the second game, with a final score of 3-4. Both teams didn’t let that affect them much though, as they returned to play yesterday by going up against the Des Moines Christian Lions in another set of doubleheaders.

The Wildcats Baseball team had a rough first game, losing 0-17, but did better at holding the Lions in check in the second game, finishing that one with a 1-11 loss. Wildcats softball was able to split their games, winning the first in a close 8-6 game, and falling behind by one run in the second game for a final score of 7-8.

Both teams have a day of games left in the week, with the baseball team facing off against Perry tonight, and the softball team participating in the Coal Miners Classic on Saturday.