
Photo courtesy of Dallas County Hospital Facebook page

With help from the Wiese Foundation, the Dallas County Hospital recently purchased a new CT scanner and the results have been positive so far. 

As of May 2nd the Dallas County Hospital began using the Canon Aquilion Prime CT Scanner and Medical Imaging Director Christina Yeager says it was a big deal for the hospital as their previous scanner was an older model and it was time to look for something new. 

“We used to have a 32-slice scanner and this new one is an 80-slice. For us that means faster scan times, more detailed imaging. Faster scan times means the patient doesn’t have to hold their breath as long, they don’t have to hold still as long which helps reduce motion, which improves the quality of imagines. Another big part is that it’s lower radiation doses. A lot of people nowadays are very aware of radiation.”

Public Relations Specialist Tom Harmsen tells Raccoon Valley Radio the hospital is excited to have the new piece of equipment in the hospital.

“This was made possible through a large grant from the Wiese Foundation who has been instrumental with providing support for a variety of projects throughout the years and we are excited for their gift toward our medical imaging services.” 

Since the scanner made its way into the Dallas County Hospital there have been more than 100 scans that have been completed including emergency patients and outpatients.