
The Adel City Council approved the fiscal year 2022-23 non-union wages at their regular meeting Tuesday. 

The Council approved the 2022-23 non-union employee wages, a third floating holiday for all applicable non-union employee leave banks on July 1st and the new police union wages and additional floating holiday to develop a memorandum of understanding with the police union for July 1st. 

Also, the Council discussed the recent employee retention and attraction efforts and proposals after there were recent departures of multiple employees. The Council also discussed the next steps and path forward for a proposed lab or administration building for the new wastewater treatment facility with a rough estimate of $1.8-$2 million for the lab/admin building. The Council came to the agreement that they would prefer to have a building built within the specs of money they have on hand to complete the project. 

Then the Council approved Mayor Board and Commission Appointments for two spots on historic preservation commission and three spots on the library board. The Council approved a pay application and the substantial completion for the Eagle Vista Drive rehabilitation project. 

Finally, the Council approved the first reading of an ordinance adoption of building codes and the Council waived the second and third readings and adopted the ordinance.