
A Jefferson resident was recently recognized for her leadership skills and accomplishments.

Jacque Andrew earned the Leadership for Iowa Award from the Iowa Association of Business and Industry. The award is given to an alumnus of the IAB Leadership Iowa program who exemplifies outstanding leadership in their respective community and for the State of Iowa. Andrew is a 1989-90 graduate of Leadership Iowa. 

Andrew has taken on several leadership roles throughout her career. She worked in communications and marketing for 35 years as the marketing director for Greene County Medical Center and the public information officer for Greene County Public Health. She also served as president of the Iowa Hospital Personnel Management Association.

Andrew is currently the co-president of the Greene County Early Learning Center, where she helped to bring a $2.2 million construction project to expand the child care facility in Jefferson. She is also a member of the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County, Why Not Us, a women’s investment group for The Centennial; a master gardeners, and has served on the Iowa PBS Foundation, Iowa Women’s Iowa 4-H Foundation, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and the regional Arrowhead Area Education Agency (now Prairie Lakes AEA).

Andrew will receive her award on June 16 at ABI’s Taking Care of Business Conference in Dubuque.