The Guthrie County Supervisors will meet today. 

The Board will consider for approval Panora EMS as an essential service, along with six  assignments of county held tax sale parcels and a payroll change notice from the health services department. 

Also, the Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2021-22 budget amendment and consider for approval the adoption and appropriations following the hearing. The Board will consider for approval Voice over Internet Protocol phone and hardware purchase and Guthrie Center Communication VoIP agreement from the information technology administrator. Finally, the Board will consider a secondary roads amendment for fiscal year 2022 five year plan, an Iowa Department of Transportation fiscal year 2022 amendment and two liquor license permits from Twin Vines and The Port of Liquor. 

The Board will meet at the Guthrie County Courthouse at 9am with a live stream option available listed here.