Steering Committee Chair Chuck Offenburger speaking at town hall event in May of 2022
Following a series of town hall meetings, an initiative continues to move forward in Greene County.
The Greene County Diversity Project has been rebranded to “Nueva Vida en Greene County.” Greene County Development Corporation held seven town hall meetings in April and May and now they are developing an advertising and recruiting campaign to attract the Latino community to the county to help fulfill the over 200 available jobs, while also orchestrating a van transportation network for individuals to commute to the area. Steering Committee Chair Chuck Offenburger says they are also setting up training programs for work skills and language challenges for employers and the community.
Offenburger said at last week’s GCDC meeting about another area he is developing specifically within the county.
“This summer we’ve got four subcommittees we’re setting up right now to start working with the community on better understanding of the different cultures and preparing for the newcomers that are going to come here. As well as we anticipate we’ll have Latino people involved in this.”
The four subcommittees include culture history and integration, food, arts, music and culture; interfaith activities and soccer events and facilities. Offenburger is wanting anyone who has experience or an interest in serving on these committees to notify him by May 29th, with anticipation of meetings and work with these subcommittees to begin in June. Offenburger’s contact information can be found below.
Email: chuck@offenburger.com
Cellphone: (515) 370-2659