
Photo courtesy of P-C Schools

A new program that has been going throughout the school year at Paton-Churdan highlights young students doing positive things.

Principal Annie Smith says school associate Karen Rooney came up with the Golden Table idea where students that show polite manners, are considerate of others and clean up after themselves and others get to eat lunch at the shiny golden tablecloth table in the cafeteria. 

“She decorates it for the different seasons and she has guest adults in the building that can honor those kiddos. It is a lot of fun. The kids love it, and our parents love it, our community loves it, it’s fun to see. Even though it’s been going on for most of the school year they’re still excited about it today as they were on day one.”

Smith is encouraged by this kind of recognition which also helps to reinforce positive behavior in younger kids that in turn can make positive impacts on their family life and society.