
Courtesy of ADM School District Website Haley Gonzalez, Brookelyn Evans, Taylor Macallister, Chris Aukes, Dominic Gardiner, Rebecca Beaman, and Keto Chikvaidze proudly display some of their IHSPA spring journalism contest awards.

Multiple students within the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School District recently received awards tied to their endeavors in journalism. 

The Iowa High School Press Association announced its spring journalism awards and ADM High School journalists managed to bring home 18 awards. The contest featured more than 1,000 entries from student journalists published in school newspapers or school news sites between March 2021 and March 2022. The entries were judged by a panel of 16 judges. 

Of the 18 awards they ranged in categories from a video story about a AHeinz 57 puppy fundraiser from Gwyneth Schmidt that earned first place to a second place for reviews What’s the Hype About? From Brookelyn Evans. 

These awards placed the team in the top seven news teams throughout the state and News Team of the Year will be announced in October after a panel of judges evaluated the top 15 news teams publications and will be awarded to five news teams. 

The full list of awards can be found below.

  • Video Story First Place AHeinz Puppy Fundraiser Gwyneth Schmidt
  • Video Story Second Place Hill’s Tree Farm Haley Gonzalez
  • Video Story Third Place Visit the Des Moines Downtown Farmer’s Market Brookelyn Evans
  • Feature Photo First Place What It Feels Like to be an Introverted Extrovert Chris Aukes
  • Feature Photo Second Place What It Feels Like to Have Scoliosis Gwyneth Schmidt
  • Personality Profile Second Place What It Feels Like to Have Aphantasia Gwyneth Schmidt
  • Feature Story Honorable Mention What It Feels Like to be a Person of Color in a… Taylor Macallister
  • Social Media Promotion First Place Black & Redgister Twitter Account Staff
  • Video News Show First Place December 2021 Friday Flash Brookelyn Evans, Staff
  • Video News Show Second Place November 2021 Friday Flash Brookelyn Evans, Staff
  • Video News Show Third Place January 2022 Friday Flash Brookelyn Evans, Staff
  • Social Media Reporting First Place Black & Redgister Twitter Account Staff
  • Podcasting First Place RAWR XD: Class of 2021, You’ll Be Missed Brookelyn Evans, Callie Hazel
  • Podcasting Second Place RAWR XD: Prom, Prom, Prom Brookelyn Evans, Callie Hazel
  • Podcasting Third Place Lauren Talks Taylor: This Woman is Unhinged Lauren Brady
  • Reviews First Place The New App That Sends You Affirmations Gwyneth Schmidt
  • Reviews Second Place What’s the Hype About? Brookelyn Evans
  • Reviews Honorable Mention The Simpsons Movie… Sean Whitson