
For those who find enjoyment out of gardening, there will be a plant sale ongoing today to pick up some supplies. 

The Dallas County Master Gardeners will be hosting a plant sale beginning at 9 a.m. today and running until 2 p.m. at the Dallas County Extension and Outreach building on the Dallas County Fairgrounds in Adel with plenty of produce. Master Gardener Coordinator Megan Will says there will be other items available aside from produce. 

“We will also have garden pots and garden art for your yard. So, there should be a little bit for everybody it’s just not plants it’s garden related items and all the proceeds go to our demonstration garden that we are expanding there on the fairgrounds.”

There will be a wide variety of produce available for people to purchase including perennials, annuals, vegetables, house plants, succulents, horticulture books and plant containers among other things. All proceeds benefit the master gardeners’ demonstration garden on the fairgrounds.

For more information on the event you can go here.