The recent undertaking of the wastewater treatment facility improvements in Perry has brought about upcoming sewer service rate increases.
The wastewater treatment facility improvements are currently underway and the project has a total cost of approximately $28 million, $7 million higher than what was expected, which City Administrator Sven Peterson says was due to things outside of the City’s control including rising labor costs among other things. Back in 2018 Peterson says the City did an initial round of sewer rate adjustments and the City was open about the need for more adjustments in the future which has now come to fruition with these upcoming changes.
“All that said we are looking at setting another four years of rate increases. Looking for the July bill coming out in August a $9 increase on the availability charge and a 12-percent increase on the usage per thousand gallons. Obviously, not a great scenario to have to be looking at but still pretty in line and reasonable compared to some other communities out there. So, not looking at rates that are way higher than any community, we are probably still average or a little below average.”
Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio these rate changes will help balance being able to pay for the sewer plant project bond as well as being able to get funds that can be used for future work needing to be done.
“Really trying to look in the future balancing being able to pay for our sewer plant project bond and then building some funds to really go into our collection system into some neighborhoods, do sewer lining where we can and look at doing actual sewer repairs where those are needed as well.”
Peterson says all of these projects will take time and funds to be able to complete. The rate change will go into effect in fiscal year 2023 and go through fiscal year 2026.