
The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committees met Tuesday in regular session.

The Sewer Committee heard an update on the wastewater treatment plant project. A representative with Bolton and Menk said the total cost for the upgrades to the facility went from $10.5 million to $13 million due to market changes in supplies and additional equipment needed. The timeline includes bidding for the project early this fall and start of construction is slated for the end of this year. The committee then recommended to the city council for approval a $730,000 expense for the plans, specifications and final design of the entire project.

The Sewer Committee also recommended to the council an adjustment policy. Under the proposed changes, a property owner who is requesting a sewer adjustment is responsible for the first $100 of a charge and anything beyond that could be considered for an adjustment. 

The Street Committee recommended to the council the city hall entryway reconstruction plans and timeline for bidding. The committee wanted to push the bidding process sooner and start the project. Funds for the project are from a previously passed bond by the council in 2021. Additionally, the committee suggested talking with property owners along East Lincoln Way about landscape plans that were designed by Bolton and Menk before final decisions were made. Finally, the committee reviewed the east entryway sign plans. 

The Water Committee discussed additional charges for water meter replacements due to property owner neglect. It was mentioned that if a property owner purchases multiple meters within one season, there should be an additional meter charge. However, the topic was not acted on by the committee. Finally, the committee heard an update on the water main replacement project on Russell Street. Bids for the project will be in June and the project could start as early as August to be completed by the end of the year.