
A well-known Jefferson business was recently recognized for its impact on the tourism industry.

Deal’s Orchard received the Outstanding Retail Experience Award from the Iowa Tourism Office from the recent Iowa Tourism Conference. Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Tourism Team Co-Chair Pat Richards says Deal’s is certainly deserving of the honor.

“This was based on the wide variety of retail options they offer, entertainment activities, multi-generational commitment to growth, diverse workforce, and support and involvement in Iowa tourism.” 

Deal’s Orchard was nominated and selected for the rural category, which has a population of under 10,000 people. Iowa Tourism gave out 26 awards at its conference in Des Moines. Last year, the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower received the Outstanding Attraction Award and Jefferson Matters for Outstanding Promotional Material Award. RVP~1875 also received the Outstanding Tourism Attraction in 2016.