
The Guthrie County Supervisors met Tuesday. 

The Board approved items for the Secondary Roads Department that included the five year construction program with road and bridge projects and the Iowa Department of Transportation fiscal year 2023 budget. However, the Board  did not take action on the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget amendment to put out notice of a public hearing on the proposal to change the revenues and expenses in the budget.

Also, the Board approved an assignment of tax sale for lot 112 on Diamondhead Lake for $2,700. Finally, there was a public hearing and three bids were received for the Dodge 333 bridge West on Highway 25 on 130th Street to replace the wooden bridge with steel beams. the bids included Christian Brothers for $420,170, Construction Leaders Company for $338,000 and Murphy Heavy Contracting Corporation for $339,200. The Board did not take action on these bids for further consideration.