If you are itching to participate in programming with the Dallas County Conservation Board, there will be multiple free opportunities to do so this Saturday.
The Board will be offering a garlic mustard removal volunteer opportunity from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday for people to come out to Voas Nature Area in Minburn and participate in an easy volunteer day to remove the invasive species of garlic mustard. All ages are welcome to attend and children are encouraged.
Also, the Board will have two offerings of the Rise from the Ashes program from 9-10:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to noon on April 23rd at the Voas Nature Area in Minburn. Participants will get to join Naturalist Zach Moss to discuss the rebirth of prairie while on a short hike.
No registration is required to attend these events and you can find more information and future events here.