It’s National Volunteer Week and one organization is seeking more individuals to be a part of their non-profit group.
Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Executive Director Beth Vander Wilt appreciates all of the volunteers that are serving on their various teams, but she encourages even more people to support them as a volunteer.
“We’re always looking for new people and new ideas, and we’d love to have more diversity on our teams. You could volunteer an hour a month or ten hours a month, it’s just whatever works out best in your schedule. So I don’t want anyone to feel intimidated by the time commitment because we understand, we’re all busy people.”
The different teams include: design, economic vitality and ambassadors, promotions, organization, tourism, Tower View Team and events. According to Jefferson Matters, since its inception ten years ago, there have been 43,690 volunteer hours given to the organization and back to the community.