
A local initiative with Perry Lutheran Homes to reach out to local elders has a broader goal this year. 

Project Deliver the LOVE aims to spread joy, encouragement and fun by hand delivering baskets to elders throughout and near Perry on May 4th this year. Director of Marketing Mollie Clark says this year’s initiative is returning for its second year with a broader goal in mind as last year volunteers helped make and deliver 365 baskets. 

“This year our goal has gotten bigger. We would love to put together and deliver baskets to at least 400 elderly people in the community and then the volunteer shifts are actually different too. Because the delivery piece was so impactful and the coolest piece to be a part of, we actually changed from one hour to one and a half hour shifts.”

Clark tells Raccoon Valley Radio when it comes to wanting to get out in the community to deliver these baskets they are in need of volunteers and Clark says they need roughly 150 volunteers to complete Project Deliver the LOVE this year. 

“It’s just extremely meaningful to not only them but to you as the volunteer and deliverer as well. Some of these elder individuals don’t have family nearby and are living alone and our volunteers might be the only visitors they will have all week or even all month.”

For more information on this year’s Project Deliver the LOVE or to register to volunteer you can go here.